So I had an eventful day. Not only did I advance ahead to Access in my Microcomputer Applications class so I could grok databases better, but I also helped the person I tutor on hit Java homework. The progress was a little slow, but I'm also focusing on getting him into good coding habits and practice/memory. I recommended he see the teacher for further help on projects, and that he take notes and ask questions whenever he can. I want to see him succeed!
Of course, that's not all. I also had some fun with Wii Gaming Nights! I signed up for a $50 Wal-Mart giftcard, won a shirt, and even got some snacks to take home. Truly tonight was a great night. Midterms are coming up, so having an event to blow off some steam is nice.
Oh, and I let them film me playing Just Dance on the Wii to go up on our school library's Facebook page. :D