Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prism, You've Spoiled Me

So recently, much of my web experience has been with apps I've created with Prism, a simple XULRunner based web app creator. It's quite handy. One thing that I didn't know about it before I looked it up to link to a page about it is that it's a part of Mozilla (creators of Firefox web browser and Thunderbird e-mail client). :O

It's pretty awesome, and gives focus and order to some of my more important online activity. In fact, I'm creating this blog post in a web app I created with Prism, and my Google search to find the link was also done with a Prism created app.

I can't say it completely replaces a web browser, as your navigation is a little limited, as is your context menu upon right click. For those specialized tasks, though, it is incredibly convenient.

Edit: Ooh. Apparently you can put add-ons to Prism. I might have to toy with that and get back to you.