Saturday, April 30, 2011

Conan's Show Needs To Be About 20% Cooler

The only solution to this is to have Lauren Faust appear as a guest.

No, seriously. I mean, ponies are popular enough, but imagine how awesome it would be if they discussed them on Conan, and aired one of the many epic clips for the audience!

I mean, there's so many, and the number is growing every week on Friday. I mean, there was the most recent episode, where Pinkie Pie snapped and had tons of "friends" in the form of imaginary objects, and was talking to herself...

Then of course, you have Rarity whining...

So many wonders...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Favorite Song/Clip From MLP

Now, despite the uncertainty of the title, these are two separate videos. Of course, it's really hard to choose a favorite moment from the series, but...

Rarity Whining: :D

Winter Wrap-Up:

Man, I wish I could play the guitar now.

Bonus: College Brony Story!

Read it!!!

Possibly one of the most hilarious comics I've ever read.

Edit: How the heck did this get saved in drafts? Ah well, the video embed code was stupidly off anyways.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My New Tablet, Pony Polka, and More!

Okay, fellow bronies (and the rest of you), I have to tell you some cool stuff.

Well, first of all, the end of the Spring semester is approaching here. Finals week starts in 2 weeks.

Secondly, I have a tablet that a friend gave me for free because it didn't work with his OS, meaning he got a new one that made this old one pointless. It even has some art he drew under the plastic screen thingy.

Third, the Pony Polka videos on YouTube (not sure if you've seen them or not, and I will probably post a link later, but it's like one hour before class) have caused me to either start loving polka, or have drawn out a long love of Polka that I'm not aware of. I think it might be the latter, because I like the Polka song in the movie Groundhog Day.

Just an update for you guys! Oh, and my post that's after this about my favorite MLP clip. I typed that a while back, but had forgotten to actually post it for some reason. The videos were too wide for the blog anyways, and I changed the embed code to fix it, so it's all good anyways. Also, it's up now, so...


Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical hits all the right notes.

Okay, so as some of you may or may not be aware, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical has EXPLODED in popularity recently. Now, you may ask yourself "Pfft. Ponies? Isn't that aimed at little girls? What the hell is wrong with everyone?" Allow me to answer.

My Little Pony:Friendship is Magical is a genuinely awesome show. Let's list the merits:

  • Great voice acting
  • Great character personalities
  • Character consistency
  • Genuine morals at the end
  • Funny
  • Great animation
  • Colorful and vibrant

Really, this series hits all the right notes The characters have realistic, enjoyable personalities. The facial expressions are animated masterfully and express emotion amazingly. The voice acting is terrific. I'm always impressed by truly talented voice acting, which The Simpsons does well, too.

Really, it's just a wonderful show. It's well made; it practically sucks you in and never lets go! I could go on describing the merits all day, but...

I'll just leave you with pictures of the 6 main characters...



Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash


Twilight Sparkle

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dungeons and Dragons: Pathfinder

So I just got done with a session of Dungeons and Dragons Pathfinder. I also am the first in our group to hit level 2. I could go on in detail about what playing entails, but that might be a lot of text, especially if I try to explain to the uninitiated. So all I'm going to say is that I had awesome fun. My friend, let's call him M, ran the game, and my friends J & R were D&D virgins, getting their first taste of the game.

I was a cavalier, J was a cleric, and R was a monk. :3